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все уже видели эти Бритчел-гифки, да? ну дык вот... под ними, оказывается, кто-то ещё и кусочек текста написал:

The PR pursed his lips and nodded “You’re right, we can’t skip the first kiss, can we?” he tilted his head “It’s important.” his voice was barely audible as he leaned in even closer.
The vampire shivered, his jaw slacking slightly as his eyes dropped on Anders’ slightly parted lips. He wanted that kiss, he wanted it badly, but he was so scared…
“I-I… I got self-control issues, Anders.” he huffed and reared back.
The blond furrowed his brows “It’s okay, I like it rough.” he shrugged with a crooked smirk.
Mitchell’s eyes darkened “I’m serious. It’s a bad problem.” he bit his lower lip, then went on “I could hurt you.”
Anders slid a hand up Mitchell’s chest, rubbing at it softly “We’ll be careful?” he tilted up his chin as he stared into lustful, chocolate brown eyes.
Mitchell tried to hold back as much as he could but then just shook his head “What the hell.” he cupped Anders’ face with both hands and finally pulled him into a kiss.

так вот...

даже не знаю, нужно ли это обзорам.... но на всяк пожарный Обзорам